PA School Program Update: Graduation Nears

Posted By: Kubin   |   School Life

Since I’m heading into another rotation (and therefore will be pretty well buried for a month), I thought it would be a good time for a program update.  There’s plenty going on, and plenty to do before the big day – June 9 – when I will graduate.

Here are some of my recent activities:

  • We just finished a week of testing, during which we completed 5 exams in 4 days.  They were:
    • Endocrinology – our third big exam on the topic, with more detail, and harder vignettes, of course.
    • Psychiatry – historically, my strongest area.  It was still a hard test.
    • Our final OP (Oral Practicum).  My standardized patient (a patient actor) was kind, and I think I killed it – the exam, not the patient!  Strangely, I find OP’s more difficult than real patients.    Real patients are cooperative and help you when possible, unlike standardized patients.  Standardized patients never seem to do you any favors.
    • OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination).  This is basically a hypothetical patient on paper, in written format.  You get the patient’s basic information and complaints, and then have to brainstorm the diagnostic and treatment possibilities.  OSCES are given in stages, so that after the each stage (interview, history, labs/imaging results, etc.,  what you have written is taken from you, and you are given a little more information.  Your job is to tell them how you would handle the patient, which helps them to see your clinical thought process.  I actually wish we had done more of these and fewer oral practica.  OSCES aren’t bad at all, actually.  Lately, we’re getting pretty good at piecing together these kinds of information and coming up with the most likely diagnosis (or diagnoses).
    • The PACKRAT, which stands for the Physician Assistant Clinical Knowledge Rating and Assessment Tool.  It’s a multiple choice test that mimics the PANCE exam that we will be taking after we graduate, much like how the PSAT mimics the SAT.  It was 225 questions in 3 hours, and we will get a completed copy of the test, with answers, when it is scored. The exam will give me a ranking among my class, and a ranking among all test takers nationwide.


That’s right, next week I start the biggie – heart and chest surgery.  It’s known to be a pretty intense experience: 5 AM to 5 PM and later, 6 days/week, for 4 weeks.  I will spend a week doing chest surgery (lung cancers, outlet syndrome, pneumonectomies, etc.), a week doing cardiac surgery (bypass grafts, valvular repair, etc.), a week doing pediatric cardiac surgery (congenital defects mostly), and a week in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

I’ll be staying in Sacramento at a classmate’s so that I won’t waste 2 hours of sleep per day by driving to and from the hospital.  I’m studying all things surgery to prepare, and I have to admit, I’m pretty intimidated by the whole thing.  I’ll try to post here and there during the rotation.  When CT surgery is over, I’ll only have 3 more weeks until graduation.

Truly, I don’t want school to end.  But there are plenty of exciting next steps, including getting a solid job that I love to do, and learning what I want to learn about medicine for a change.  My classmates are beginning to talk heavily about jobs and salaries, and it is exciting, but it’s daunting too.

Anyway, all for now.  Send questions if you have them – I’ll do my best to answer.


  1. Wow, Paul! That is mucho going on for you in school right now. I’m impressed that you hold it all together so well. I am looking forward to some posts on your cardiothoracic surgical rotation.

  2. Paul, Good Luck!!! Sounds like a lot! I am not in PA school just yet, and your work load that’s coming your way is freaking me out. Hey, if you love it, I am sure you can hack it! Plus it says a lot, that you don’t want to school to end. Sounds like you are in the right school with the right people. BUENAS SUERTE!!!

    1. Thanks – yes, I’ve made lifelong friends, and begun a career that I sometimes can’t believe I will get paid to do!

  3. Goodluck Paul! Wishing you all the best! You inspire us all! Rock out in your next rotation!

  4. This is gonna be a weird comment but this post just brings up yet another reason why I personally chose PA over MD. I came across a discussion on a forum for EMS providers and one of them, a former medic now MD, expressed his extreme disdain for PAs. He went in on how those he encountered are basically ignorant, they misdiagnose, mistreat and are nothing more than ‘glorified medics.’ Of course I read in horror because I can’t believe someone, a MD of all people, could feel such a way.

    But I know it was just a culmination of his experiences and constantly tried to bring up, those were HIS experiences and my, albeit limited, exposure to PAs has been nothing of the sort. And I know he is in the minority but still it bothers me that some docs/people in general feel this way.

    Hearing about how you guys are getting pounded with exams and practicums and now are going into CT surgery which I know is no cake walk just reaffirms how much a PA has to go through to earn that prestigious title.

    This blog is more than just a venting space or tutorial to follow in your footsteps, it gives a great student view on what your life has been like the past 2+ years and it is greatly appreciated!

  5. Paul I can’t help but feel so excited for you both for your upcoming rotation( I am excited for that particular rotation when my time comes) as well as for your graduation! I can imagine graduation is a bitter-sweet thing for you. I wish you all the luck in the world. I am sure you’ll be outstanding in your rotation! I look forward to hearing more abut your experiences.

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